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Know What Your Car Insurance Covers in the Case of an Auto Accident

On Behalf of | Dec 3, 2020 | Firm News

The law can be complicated and confusing, especially when seeking damages from a car accident. Three numbers are especially important: These are for the minimum amount of insurance coverage in this fault state where contributory negligence is the rule:

Bodily Injury or Death for One Person — $30,000
Total Bodily Injury or Death — $60,000
Property Damage per Accident — $15,000

Of course, you can purchase more than the minimum coverage. This goes further toward helping you recoup your losses.

However, as an auto accident attorney in Columbia, MD, our firm warns you against settling with your insurance company before talking to a lawyer. The insurance company is in business to make money and looks to minimize the amount it must pay you.

Ask for a Case Evaluation

Before you make any decisions, request a case evaluation. An auto accident attorney looks over your case and makes recommendations as to possible damages. This is of great importance, especially if there are any injuries. You know how much hospitalization and doctors cost. When you’re worried insurance won’t pay for the treatment you need, talk to professionals that work with accident and injury cases day in and out.